Norwegian Wood – Haruki Murakami

I honestly don’t know how I feel about this book. It is incredibly complex and confusing. It’s a good book and I definitely agree that women were over-sexualised, but as this is the first one of Murakami’s books I have read I cannot confidently say it is excessive to his writing. It felt in line with the character and the plot and the other character’s within the book. I think it would be fair to say that the overwhelming feeling this book brings about is sadness. Watanabe is a sad character. He just is. Would it be fair to say that he would probably be diagnosed with depression now? Probably. But that doesn’t change who he is or his actions or anything really. I definitely felt a certain kinship with Watanabe in his just existing. I don’t know how to put it in to words. But when he was alone, he was alone. Unless he was feeling his being alone he didn’t seek anyone out and just sat in his room reading and drinking.

I do admit that I do agree with other reviewers that the final meeting of Reiko and Watanabe kind of ruined their relationship for me. In my eyes she was more of a mother figure to him, seen as his own mother was so distant from his life throughout the book and so that act felt inherently wrong for both of those characters. The book’s blurb describes it as a “haunting, enigmatic love story” and that really doesn’t sit right with me. This isn’t a love story, it’s a tale of someone coming of age in a turbulent time surrounded by people who don’t necessarily have their best interests at heart.

Like I said above, I have not read any other Murakami to compare it to and therefore have nothing to compare this story against, but if what is said is true, I do not know how I feel about reading more of his work. Norwegian Wood was good, but it didn’t blow me away. Not like the first part of Breasts and Eggs by Mieko Kawakami did.

This book wasn’t really life changing for me. It kind of just was. Like yeah, it was a well written book, but I cannot see what all the hype is about. I might just have started with the wrong one of his books and so I might read another one if I can get my hands on it easily. But he was just not a stand out author for me personally.

4/5 stars. I mean it was a nice quick easy read. If that’s what you’re looking for then I would definitely recommend it.


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